понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

free female orgasm movie clip

1. If you want me to come to an event, you must specifically invite me. This isnapos;t a big deal so much as me stating it for the record. I do not take invitations by implication.

2. I also donapos;t take work by implication. If I say "huh, yeah, I *could* do that" and you never ever come back to me to confirm that you actually want me to do it, do NOT come back to me a week before your deadline and ask how the project is going.

3. I am not your one-stop costuming solution. Fuck off, I have enough to do over here.

4. I also donapos;t do costuming for free. I havenapos;t done costuming for free since the last time I made male garb, and I hope never to do it again.

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