суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


hey jo

i finally, gave my jo jo a header. And the thought was inspired by the movie- PS I Love You.

"alone or not, you have to�walk ahead. If youapos;re alone, then, weapos;re together in that too."

hollyapos;s mother tells her this�towards the end of the movie. Because both of them felt very much alone..even though they had people around them. But this- what she said- really open yours eyes to realise weapos;re never really alone.
when you feel alone, think of this-its a nice thought.

i love quotes alot-- i have many quote books and mum just gifted me another one for my birthday, titled- apos;All good things start with a Bapos;.. Its really cute and has lovely quotes. Iapos;ll post some soon.�one that comes to mind just now (excuse me if iapos;ve posted this before)-

"A friend is someone you can be yourself with."

and this is so true but i donapos;t remember wheres the B in this one.. Hehheee..will have a look and get back to you hope youapos;re having a great weekend.

muah. Pappy:):)

cullotts, cullottes pattern, cullottes, cullotte slip.

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